🚀 Mission

Democratise pay data and provide insights to empower people to start an honest conversation about pay to shape a fairer and more transparent design industry.
We aim to promote transparency and empower designers to talk honestly about pay.
In many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia, discussing salary openly can be seen as taboo due to various factors such as gender, business culture, education, immigration, and family background.
However, sharing pay information can create a more equitable and fair industry.
That's why we're embarking on this community project to democratise data and provide insights into the market.
Furthermore, we want to empower designers to talk honestly about pay and make informed career decisions. So join us in our mission to promote transparency and create a more equitable future for all designers.

💸 Contribute

We can't address inequality unless we can see them. So it's perfectly healthy to talk about it. The more we share, the better we all are.
Curious about how you stack against the market?
Share your salary anonymously and help create a fairer salary structure for all designers. Your input will provide valuable insights into the current landscape of designer salaries and empower others to have honest conversations about pay.

🌟 2024 Report

We're back with deeper insights from ~1.8K designers across the region!
Explore how our design community is navigating the evolving market, with expanded research beyond Singapore and fresh perspectives on compensation, career growth, and emerging opportunities.

📊 Submissions

Gain a snapshot into the market and see what the real designer’s pay looks like.

📚 Resources

Crowdsource materials and links that can help you with your job search.
Here's a bunch of resources and links that I collate with the community's help. It covers anything from salary guides, negotiation, books, or articles that loosely cover the topic around pay or career.